Thursday, April 07, 2016

The Blizzard of 2016

Muphy's Law of the Military, as I so lovingly refer to it, began in full effect just 3 days after we said goodbye to Mike.  It states that whatever can go wrong, (while the military member is deployed, TDY, on 24s, on nights, on shifts, etc) will go wrong.

When we returned from Great Wolf Lodge, the kids went back to school and I began to prepare for Winter Storm Jonas (aptly named) which promised to bring historic snowfall to our area. 

I thought this would be a fun way to measure the snow.  It turned out to be not as impressive, because I neglected to realize that our backyard is under the cover of the trees, which of course, mitigated the snowfall accumulation.

Saturday afternoon the snow let up for a few hours and we got outside to play/shovel for a bit.  Then the snow started to fall once again and we headed inside for hot chocolate.

Sunday morning dawned bright and beautiful.  We got out with the rest of the neighbor hood and began to clear the driveway.

We also headed to our neighborhood snow hill.  Sunday sledding was a bit rough because the snow was SO high and SO powdery.  By Monday it was a bit more packed and the sledding was easier/better.

The first 3 or 4 days were filled with excitement and snow fun.  The kids ended up being out of school for the entire next week.  We got out and about by Wednesday though.  The "excitement and snow fun" had worn off by then.  

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