Friday, November 15, 2013

First Day of School

My big boys started school...3 months ago...  
We registered for school a little late, so I wasn't sure how "requesting" a teacher would work out.  I went to the school to discuss with the AP some of Ezra's accommodations.  Using the advice of a friend, I asked if maybe Mrs. Maldonado would be a good fit for Ezra.  Thankfully, he was put into her class and she has been such a blessing!!  We have been thrilled with how patient she is with Ezra and how successful he's been in her 1st grade class!!
His sign says, I want to be "lots of stuff and a Dad".  :)
Jonas was so happy to be starting Kindergarten in Mrs. Savarino's class.  His sign says that he wants to be a diver when he grows up.  He has come so far in just a few months.  He loves to learn and he works really hard! 

Judith was a little sad to be losing her brothers for the day.

Ezra at his table in class.
Judith tells Ezra goodbye.
First day of school play-doh!
Judith took this (blurry) picture of Jonas and me.

The end of the summer was a little rough for us with Mike being at school so I was happy to finally have a break.  I tried to avoid skipping joyfully down the hallway after dropping them off.  They were so excited too!  Jonas still empties his backpack in the car every day when I pick him up to show me all the fun stuff he did.  Glad they love school!

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