Saturday, November 16, 2013


Mike had a 3-day weekend for Veterans Day so we met him in San Antonio to take advantage of the Waves of Honor deal for military families that SeaWorld offers. 
The seats on this ride were really narrow.  Mike was feeling the squeeze.

We were surprised by the non-SeaWorld characters there.  We saw Franklin and had to have a hug.  We love the Franklin book series!  We were so glad we waited until the off-season.  It was nice and cool and not at all crowded!

The kids loved this Shamu mini-roller coaster.  Pure joy on Jonas' face.
There were lots of Sesame Street characters around.  This picture with Burt and Ernie is too cute!

This picture cracks me up.  Jonas and Mike are on the front right.  Jonas is covering his "owie" since he wasn't allowed to wear his hat.  (The day before we went to SeaWorld, Jonas hit his head on the door frame in our hotel room and visited the emergency room for some glue and a steri-strip.  Being the good patient he is, when the doctor said to make sure it stayed dry he was concerned about getting splashed at SeaWorld.  The doctor's orders however, did not keep him from going on this water ride.)  Anyway, Mike and Jonas are funny but check out all the other folks.  My favorite is the man two rows behind Mike.  And what's up with those adolescent boys next to Mike?  Funny!

More fun on the Shamu coaster.

Ezra REALLY wanted his picture taken with this random duck.  However, I do love it because it's a GREAT picture of him!

On Veterans Day we visited the Alamo, walked the River Walk a bit, and ate some BBQ

Remember the Alamo!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

We took advantage of an early release day and headed out to 7 Acre Wood in Conroe.
 We were worried it might rain on us, but we didn't feel a drop and the place was practically deserted so the kids had the run of the place.

They don't have the patience to actually play put-put yet, but they do enjoy knocking the ball around and into the hole (usually...).

They had a lot of fun on the barrel train (bins attached to dollys...Ha!).

Jonas looks like the epitome of a pumpkin farmer.

Love these kiddos!

Was there ever a cuter girl-on-a-pumpkin?

Ezra was getting a kick out of petting the Judith goat.  :)

(Private) Hay ride!

I didn't take enough pictures to merit its own post, but here are my 2013 Halloween Smurfs.

Battle Ship Texas and San Jacinto Monument

In a further attempt to ingrain our beloved Texas history and culture into our internationally-living children, we visited Battleship Texas and the San Jacinto Monument.


Jonas was having a blast and loving the photo ops (despite the heat).

San Jacinto Monument commemorates the battle of San Jacinto where Sam Houston  and his troops won the decisive victory for Texas independence from Mexico!

What's a trip to the Gulf Coast without seafood?  This is the dock area for Bubba's Seafood.

First Day of School

My big boys started school...3 months ago...  
We registered for school a little late, so I wasn't sure how "requesting" a teacher would work out.  I went to the school to discuss with the AP some of Ezra's accommodations.  Using the advice of a friend, I asked if maybe Mrs. Maldonado would be a good fit for Ezra.  Thankfully, he was put into her class and she has been such a blessing!!  We have been thrilled with how patient she is with Ezra and how successful he's been in her 1st grade class!!
His sign says, I want to be "lots of stuff and a Dad".  :)
Jonas was so happy to be starting Kindergarten in Mrs. Savarino's class.  His sign says that he wants to be a diver when he grows up.  He has come so far in just a few months.  He loves to learn and he works really hard! 

Judith was a little sad to be losing her brothers for the day.

Ezra at his table in class.
Judith tells Ezra goodbye.
First day of school play-doh!
Judith took this (blurry) picture of Jonas and me.

The end of the summer was a little rough for us with Mike being at school so I was happy to finally have a break.  I tried to avoid skipping joyfully down the hallway after dropping them off.  They were so excited too!  Jonas still empties his backpack in the car every day when I pick him up to show me all the fun stuff he did.  Glad they love school!