Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ezra's First Day of Kindergarten!

Ezra is a kindergartner this year!!

Got the school supplies out and loading them into the back pack before the first day of school.

Ice cream social and meet the teacher night at Madison Elementary.

What a great way to start off the morning--hot air balloon in the back yard!

All suited up and ready to go.  If you can't see what the board says, click on the picture to see it enlarged.

He did great with a few pictures, but then he was like, "Can we go now? Come on. Let's get in the car!" :)  Here he is heading out the door.

Chaos of the first day--we had to park a nice distance away and then walk.

In front of his class.  It's nice (I think) that it has an external (and internal) entrance to the classroom.

I teared up a little on this one.

Jonas helped carry the heavy back pack for a while.  Here, Daddy and Jonas say goodbye.

Ezra finding his name to hang is backpack up.

Sitting down to listen to a story about Chester the racoon who was nervous about going to school but then shares a special moment with mom and then everything is ok.  :)

Ezra was and is so excited about starting school.  He was appropriately affectionate and at ease when the time came to say goodbye.  He gave me lots of hugs and kisses, but then was fine with waving goodbye and settling in when I left.  What every mom wants--"I love you, but I'll have a great day at school and I'll be excited to see you when the day is done."  It was perfect.

Jonas missed his brother today, but he starts afternoon preschool tomorrow and is super excited!  Jonas had lots of hugs for Ezra when we picked him up.  :)

 First day of kindergarten: resounding success!  Now, to make it through the next 12 years...

1 comment:

JKHoward8 said...

So great! What a big boy! How are our kiddos this old? Lily heads off on Thursday and I'm a little nervous. Glad to hear Ezra handled it like a champ!