Tuesday, July 17, 2012

4th of July

We took it easy on the 4th this year.  Since there was a serious fire ban in Colorado Springs, there were no fireworks to buy and even the community shows (one we had considered attending at the Air Force Academy) were canceled.  So we had to seek out the nearest place to see fireworks in Colorado.  Afterall, what is the 4th of July without fireworks, right?

We did, however, wear our 4th of July shirts all day.  This was taken in the morning out in the back yard. 

About 5pm we drove south to Pueblo.  We got some street eats and had dinner on the lawn by the river and enjoyed the live music.

With Jonas' allergies, about the only thing he could eat was MEAT.  One giant turkey leg for the boy.

The kids eating supper and listening to the band.

We had some time to kill in between finishing dinner and when it got dark enough for fireworks.

Ice cream is always a good time-filler.

And some wrestling.

Finally, the fireworks set to the music from the local symphany orchestra. 

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