Sunday, June 24, 2012

Jonas' 4th Birthday

After a quick trip to Texas for Mom's retirement party and to attend a fabulously fun wedding, we made it home the day before Jonas' 4th birthday.  I made the mistake of telling Jonas it was his actual birthday (instead of maybe adding a few days to recover from our trip and pick up some birthday decorations), so there was no delaying the cake and candles. 

Birthday cookies for breakfast.

With Jonas' allergies, he typically has some home made bread with honey for a "sandwich" at lunch time (along with fruit, cheese, chips, etc).  Here is his birthday bread with honey.  Such a silly boy.

I was able to delay the cake eating and present giving until Daddy got home.  Finally, after asking all day long "When are you going to make my cake?", "Can I have my cake now?", "When will Daddy be home??"... he was quite happy to be taking pictures with his dinosaur cake.

My sweet boy with a spaghetti face.

Mom and Dad with our 4 year old (picture taken by Ezra).

He's pretending to be a dinosaur eating his dinosaur cake.

Happy Birthday to the funniest 4 year old I know!

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