Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Royal Gorge

Our first sight seeing trip in Colorado was to Royal Gorge.  Just about an hour away from our house is this vast espanse that is spanned by a single lane suspension bridge. 

This would be a great picture if I didn't have crazy, wind hair.  So windy!

The suspension bridge. 

Judith and Mike.

The gorge from the bridge.  You can see the teeny tiny river waaaaay down there at the bottom. 

Mike and Jonas checking out the bridge that hangs out over the abyss. Nothin' but air below them. Yikes.

We took a super steep tram to the bottom of the gorge.  This is the bridge (from left to right) from the bottom of the gorge.  We drove our car over that!

At the bottom of the gorge near the river.

There was a petting zoo and some other animals across the bridge.  This is a rare white buffalo.


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