Friday, January 21, 2011

Just some catching up

Mike had some R&R after the deployment. We just stayed home and took it easy, but we did make it to the pool for some family time.
This is such a silly picture. It cracks me up. Jonas is purposefully being silly, but Ezra just happens to have a crazy look on his face.

I tried unsuccessfully to get a good picture of Judith on this day. She looked so cute in her shirt and jeans.

Another cheese ball picture of THE Cheeseball.

Ezra is such a sweet brother and was reading to Judith in this picture.

This was a blissful occassion when they were all playing well and I was able to do other things. Well, until I snapped this picture at least... I just had to ruin the moment.

This past week I switched out all of Judith's 6 month clothes for 9 months clothes, so I'm loving all her new outfits! We also finally got some Robeez for her. Shoes that stay on--Hallelujah! Judith will be 9 months tomorrow! :(

See those pearly whites? Just two bottom teeth for now. Jonas had a mouthful of teeth by this age.

Such a sweet, drooly smile.

We had like 2 or 3 sunny days in a row, and I think the temps were in the 50s, so we spent some time outside!

Love this outfit! Have I mentioned that girls are sooooo much more fun to dress than boys? Judith is thrilled to be able to stand by herself. She gets the biggest smile on her face as she tried to maintain her balance. Mostly she's just letting go of things to stand unassisted, or when I put her down on the floor, she'll stand before she sits.

The next blog will probably be Ezra's 4th birthday party pictures!

1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

sweet pictures!