Monday, March 22, 2010

35 weeks

The first pictures were taken at breakfast one day last week.
The thing next to Jonas is his puppy dog. It's kind of a little blanket with a head, but he uses it as a pillow. Usually it stays in his bed (it's not the kind of thing we let him drag around all day), but on this day, "Woof-woof", as Jonas refers to it, joined us for breakfast. Jonas took the liberty of feeding him some blueberries.
The pics of Ezra are just of him wanting to be in on the picture taking action.
In Ezra news, he's been going for about a month now to a childcare provider on MWF mornings from 8-11:30. There are anywhere from 3 to 6 children there at a time. It's at her house, but she has a room set up like a classroom with a book corner, market place, dress up center, cubbies for jackets, table and chairs, etc. We have there for socialization purposes and also to help him with structured activities and transitioning from
one activity to the next. Mrs. Leila (his teacher) said today that she's really starting to see improvement in his socialization. Today, Ezra asked another boy if he wanted to play cars with him. Huge! He also asked if he could play with the boy's airplane. Ezra has had speech twice a month for the past year, but was recently exited from the program when he turned 3. Now, he will go for speech therapy on base, and occupational therapy in the community (with an English speaker of course) to help with his delays. He's made many improvements, but is still a little behind where he should be for his age. Our hope is that he will be caught up by the time he starts Kindergarten.

I forgot to take a belly picture yesterday, so I had to do it today right after I got out of the shower. The one on the
left, is me with Jonas. The one on the right, me with Judith. Looks pretty similar I think.
Oh, how I miss Spring time in Italy...

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