Tuesday, October 13, 2009


So my Mom says, "It's been a while since you posted a blog..." Which means, "Do a blog soon!" Therefore, I had to make Mike take us somewhere so I would have something blog worthy to post.:)

These are just a couple of pics around the house. I got my hair cut, and yes, added some bangs. It's quite a change--we're slowly getting used to it. Mike and Jonas were listening to some tunes.

Trier is a town just an hour or so up the road. Many people go there as one of their first outings in Germany, but for whatever reason we just went this past weekend after being here for a year.

This pretty park was right outside the garage where we parked. There was a fun playground for the kids, but we didn't want to spend 30 min at the park right when we first got there. Thankfully, we navigated by the playing children without any tantrums. We did have to stop at a pond where the ducks were though.

Trier is on the Mosul river. So we walked along the river a bit. We saw some fish. They looked pretty big.


There were several big cathdrals. Although we only went in one of them.

This was the main square in the shopping area.

There were a couple of ruins. This was a castle I think.

One of the main ruins is the Porta Nigra. We drove by it, but we didn't get to see it when we were walking around town.

Oh, and I don't think I've mentioned it on here, but I'm pretty sure all of my readers (all 5 of you) know that we are expecting another baby on April 25th. I'm 12 weeks pregnant right now. Everything's been great so far. I usually have easy pregnancies. I can say "usually" since this is the 3rd one in 3 years. :) We are excited.


1 comment:

Mary said...

I like the bangs, Erin! Very cute :-) Also, the new fall banner at the top is cute with the pumpkiny stuff. Oh, and congrats on the baby on the way!