Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Allergy update

Silly boys laying on the stairs before bedtime. Drooling Jonas. We recently got lab work back on a blood sample telling us that Jonas is no longer allergic to dairy. Woohoo!! We have enjoyed lots of string cheese and macarroni and cheese since then. Hopefully that will help get his weight up a little bit. He is still moderately allergic to eggs and highly allergic to peanuts but hopefully those will go away too. Both kids love soy milk though, so I have to some research to see if the benefits of soy are much greater than that of cows milk. We may just stick with soy. Going in for a kiss. Ezra on a Daddy ride.
Several short videos:

Ezra will "spin, spin, spin" where he runs around in a circle. Jonas thinks this is great fun and contributes his own version when he crawls in a circle. It's hard to get this on film, but here's the tail end of one "spin" session. A lady who was watching Jonas in the nursery at church asked us if we had a dog because it looked like Jonas was chasing his tail. Ha, ha.

The first video of Jonas walking was taken last week.

This video of Jonas standing up by himself and taking a few steps was from a couple of days ago. Today, he stood up and walked 3 or 4 steps to me without "falling" into my lap.

1 comment:

Janette said...

Yay, Jonas!! What a cutie!! In the last video, at first Mike sounds like he's talking to the dog when he's holding up a ball telling him to stand up. :) But hey, dogs, kids...sometimes ya gotta talk to them the same!! :)