We definitely didn't go all out with decorations as you can see from my home-made sign. But at least it was enough to pull together some semblance of a theme.
We had our friend Chip (who is a fabulous, professional photographer) shoot some family photos and displayed them on this table where guests were encouraged to write cards to Jonas. The cards were started with things like, "Jonas you are special because..." or "When I see Jonas I think...". So we got some really great responses! I think it will be neat for him to look back on those notes when he's older.
Here is the birthday boy wearing his birthday outfit in front of his birthday sign.
Ezra and Daddy were both pretty excited about Jonas' special day.
Opening just a few of the many wonderful presents!
Ezra got almost as many presents as Jonas! This picture looks like he's asking, "Am I not supposed to open these? I thought you said these were mine??" He was a very good boy the whole evening.
Time for cake!
The aftermath.
Jonas with friends and family.
Jonas helping with the clean up.
Happy and tired birthday boy.