Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Italian towns

Italian towns (and I guess most European towns) are dominated by the church tower. In any given city you can see one or more rising high above the rooftops. Most churches are in the center of the city. All the towns have arrows that lead you to the square. The centro. This is by far my favorite part of the towns, proven by the fact that I feel the need to photograph every one I see. Each church is distinctly and uniquely beautiful. Most have clocktowers with bells that toll the hour. The bells may be at the church or sometimes at the government building. These are pictures of some of the churches in Slovenia.

I'm aware of how choppy this blog is. After spending way too much time trying to make it look cool, I've given up. There's just too many pictures and not enough words (for once). So it just looks wired.

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