Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Home Sweet Home?

Urged forward by the 10 houses in 10 days rule, we are trying to find a house. We have seen 1 house in 6 days, thus we are gravely behind schedule.
The house we saw yesterday was a duplex. It has a fenced in yard and big rooms. It's 3 bed, 1.5 bath. The 3rd bedroom and 1/2 bath is "downstairs" next to the laundry room and garage. It's about-10 min south of Aviano in Roverado. I kinda liked it but the sponsor that took us suggested that the price was a little high and we could probably get more for our money if we continued to look. It's positives were the size and yard, while it's negatives were the flooring and the lack of kitchen appliances and cabinets. Mike's biggest thing was that it was a duplex. He's still set on a house.
Let me expand on the negatives. In Italy, I don't think many places have carpet. I don't know why. Though that was expected, the linoleum in this house looked old, there was a little hole in it in one room, and it was it was warped in some places. Secondly, in Italy, it is normal for a house not to have appliances and cabinets. However, some do and some of the other houses we are considering have cabinets.
So today we're going to look at 2 more houses. I'm hoping we'll love the first one and sign a contract. The pictures we've seen are beautiful. Its only potential negatives are the distance away from Aviano and the price. It too is a duplex but Mike thinks that he will like it better because it's more in the mountains. It's about 30 min north of Aviano. It is pretty pricey, but if it's as nice as it looks, I think we'll be willing to pay a little more. It's only going to be about 30 euros over our cap. So we might be able to splurge.
We have a second appointment for today at a smaller house in town somewhere. It looks ok, it's just smaller.
Hopefully we'll have signed a contract before the end of the week. But as for now, the search continues.

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