Sunday, February 19, 2012

Breckenridge, CO

Mike had a 4 day weekend for the President's Day holiday, so we booked some last minute lodging and headed to Breckenridge for some winter fun.

Our cabin was just about a block from the sled hill so on Friday morning we bundled the kids in lots of layers, grabbed some sledding disks and walked to the hill.

Here are the kids in front of the cabin.

This is one of our runs down the hill.  Judith and I went down together (we barely fit on that tiny disk!), followed by Ezra, followed by Jonas. 
Notice the green mesh barrier on the right side of the picture and the wooden fence just behind it.  That will come into play in a few pictures. 

The kids preparing for another trip down the hill. 

The Allison family in Breckenridge.

A fellow sledding family offered to let us borrow their sled.  It was super fast.  Which was super first.

Sledding buddies!

Too soon into our morning diaster struck.  Judith and I had gone down the hill and were waiting at the bottom for Jonas and Ezra.  They had been going down by themselves on the disks (which were much slower), so they wanted to go down by themselves on the fast sled.  About 2/3 of the way down the hill they began to arc toward the side of the slope.  I started to run toward them, but their arc became more pronounced.  They slid past the green mesh barrier and I was about 10 feet from them when they crashed into one of the posts for the wooden fence.  Of course both were crying but I assessed Jonas first because he came up spitting out wood and blood from his mouth.  I saw that Ezra had a sizeable lump and scratch on his cheek.  Mike was at the top of the hill watching the horror unfold and I motioned for him to come on down.  A lady ran into the little building behind us to get some towels.  I swabbed out Jonas' mouth.  I was worried about his teeth so I told Mike we probably needed to go somewhere to have him checked out.  I knew Ezra needed some basic first aid on his face as well.  Mike took off to get our car and come pick us up to head to the urgent care clinic.  I carried the kids inside the building to wait.  With Jonas' bleeding just about stopped, I turned to Ezra (writhing on the floor) to see where his "owies" were.  He said his leg and I removed his boot to find a quickly swelling purple lump on a slightly angled shin bone.  Uh-oh.  I felt pretty sure about what we were dealing with on Ezra at that point.  We headed to the Breckenridge Medical Center.  I took this picture in the car on the way.

After they took x-rays on both the boys' right leg/foot and had diagnosed the break in the tibia and fibula for Ezra and a sprain for Jonas it was after 1pm.  I took Jonas and Judith back to the cabin to have some lunch.  This is what Jonas' mouth looked like.  It's still not pretty and the Dr. was concerned about trauma to his adult teeth up there in the gums, so we'll have to take him to the dentist to have a look-see in a couple of days.  He's still limping on his foot, but it doesn't appear very swollen and isn't complaining at all.

Ezra before xrays.  Poor guy was in a lot of pain.

Ezra post x-ray and waiting for it to be set and splinted.  He had had a morphine shot at this point and was not hurting quite so bad. 

Undergoing anesthesia to set and splint his leg.  Mike said he woke up screaming when they started moving the bones around.  Glad I wasn't there for that!

Back at the cabin.  He was in a lot of pain and was NOT wanting to swallow his Hydrocodone.  It was a rough night.  At least he's been good about letting us keep ice packs on it.  His longest stretch of sleep was from 3:30-6:30 when I was holding him on the couch.

The 2 1/2 hour ride home was not pleasant for him.  He had an upset stomach from the morphine/anesthesia/painkillers and was in pain because he wasn't taking the meds.  We finally stopped and just got him some over the counter meds and after that he was much more comfortable.  He camped out on the couch for the rest of the afternoon.  He fell asleep early but we just put him to bed. 

His eye was a lot more swollen today.

Jonas passed out for a bit too.  Poor brother--he was up in the night too with all the crying and screaming Ezra was doing (mostly when we were trying to force the medicine down his throat--unsuccessfully).

We had a great time before the accident.  Jonas doesn't sound to keen on sledding again, but Ezra keeps saying he'd like to "when my leg gets better and Mommy can ride the sled with me so she can turn and we won't crash into the fence".  :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ezra's 5th Birthday

Ezra's wanted to celebrate his birthday in Cars 2 fashion this year.  His birthday is actually today, the 13th, but we had his party yesterday afternoon with just a few friends.  Strangely enough, all the guests in attendance were folks we knew from somewhere else.  The Tanners who we went to church with in Germany, Shelah (and finance Nate with his daughter Kinsley) who I grew up with in Houston, and my cousin from New Mexico.  We were blessed they could all join us for Ezra's birthday!

Because of Jonas' allergies, I made the cake and icing. 


We had just a few light snacks.

 We played a game of beanbag toss or more appropriate for the party, "Toss the beanbag through the race car tire".  Here are some highlights.

Then it was time for cake.  (That's Nana and Grandpa on the computer in the background.  They were attending the party via Skype.)

Shelah reading a story to Judith and Kinsley.

My cousin Marly and her husband Palmer were able to join us.  They drove all the way from Denver!

When the guests first arrived, the kids painted these racecars.  We forgot to take pictures of the painting action.  We had hoped for a back yard race (the kids could wear their cars), but with freezing temps and snow on the ground the weather did not cooperate. 

Here's a picture of Ezra modeling his car.  We also played "Pin the wheels on Mater" and "Pin the car on the racetrack". 
I think everyone had a good time.  I know the birthday boy did!