Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas in Houston

As our time in Texas came to a close, it seemed things got even busier.
We decided to head out to Santa's Wonderland in College Station.
It was about an hour and a half drive, but it was lots of fun and the weather was perfect.
We took a hayride through different scenes lit by Christmas lights. This was scene was devoted to cactus and longhorns. Only in Texas. :)

Ezra and Grandpa.

Jonas and Nana were a little too enthralled with an carol-singing "Elvis". :) At least there was a cozy fire by which we ate our dutch-oven-baked-over-a-campfire berry cobbler. Yummmm!

Me and Ezra on the Christmas light hay ride.

Judith and Nana.

Another big event we participated in the weekend before we left was the Nutcracker. My cousin Laney owns a dance studio so Ezra was able to play the part of a mouse. His performance at the 2 o'clock show left something to be desired, but he nailed it at the 7 o'clock show.

Ezra and me backstage.

Our favorite mouse!

Post performance signing autographs. ;)
There's no place like home for the holidays. Unless of course, you're back in Germany with the husband you haven't seen in 6 months. (Wow--none of the kids were looking at the camera. We took this as we were leaving. They weren't too happy to be saying goodbye.)

Here's video of us on the hayride at Santa's Wonderland.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

November 2010

Really? Halloween was the last time I blogged. Yikes. With our time wrapping up in Houston and getting prepared to "move" back to Germany, I suppose blogging slipped my mind. The first pics are just random glimpses into our November. We enjoyed lots of time at the park in the cooler weather. Yes, it was just BEGINNING to get cooler in November. ;)

Here's Jonas helping to make dressing for the first of our two Thanksgiving dinners. (It IS Jonas, even though his pilgrim hat states otherwise.)The rest of the pics are from our second Thanksgiving at my cousin's house. Laney was a fabulous cook and hostess and a wonderful time was had by all.

Finally after about 8 tries, we got a gret picture of the two of us. (We're 4 1/2 mos apart.)
This is how most of our time together goes...hysterical laughter.

Just the 4 of us this Thanksgiving.

Judith and Nana.



Of course, Judith is a crawling machine now, but in mid-November she was still scooting and low-crawling.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Halloween 2010

For Halloween, Ezra was a shark, Jonas was a dragon, and Judith was a flower. Mommy and my favorite flower.

Jonas. The happiest dragon you'll ever meet.

Nana and the boys making Halloween cookies.

A joint effort.

Our Halloween Pumpkin (that we had to throw away 2 days after we set it out because it is so stinkin' hot in Houston).

Maybe my favorite Halloween pic from this year.

An attempt to clean out the "gross" stuff.

At the pumpkin patch. They were about done posing for pictures at this point.

Costumes at the pumpkin patch.

Ice cream cone face.

Spider web face.

Getting their faces painted.

Jonas is so happy to be petting the llama (?).

Feeding the pony some dirt (the pony didn't really eat it).

Love this picture! Everyone has such a silly face.

Jonas doing his "crying face" in jail. Whaaaa!

Ezra on a playground fort.

Mommy and Judith on the hay ride.

Hay ride.

Ezra at the Pumpkin Patch.


Sweet Judith.

The Great Pumpkin!

Ezra on a tractor in pumpkin patch.

Pumpkin Patch.